find a mentor, develop career, how to be a (good) mentor, professional growth, change your career, change your thinking, thrive at work, be your best self
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/ miles Protter



Do you feel you’re at a cross road in your career? You may be longing to make more of a difference in your work. Perhaps you’re thinking about what your last role could be before you retire. Or struggling to live true to your values in an organisation going a different way. Or longing to try something completely new, but what? Or unsure what retirement might bring.

I invite you to choose the path to becoming the person you want to be. My role is to travel alongside you as a mentor and thought partner. On the way we work on three developmental foundations:


Identifying and developing your strengths - starting with your innate talents rather than your weaknesses, we work to build on who you are rather than who you’re not.  


Articulating and living your values - drawing from what is most important to you, you create a framework to make good choices.


Connecting to your purpose - understanding why you are here on this planet and aligning your life up behind it.

Together we design a customised programme to help you embed these foundations in your life and work. 



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Team Alignment

Whether it’s a capital project team setting themselves up for success, a manufacturer realigning their business, a shut down at a mine, refinery or process plant, or a not-for-profit charting a new direction, I’ve helped bring people and teams together to form purposeful communities dedicated to accomplishing the ‘one big purpose’. From the diversity of perspectives, backgrounds and strengths a high performing team emerges, coming together to achieve more than they ever thought possible. 

“Miles helps leaders unlock the full potential of their organisations, creating a more engaged and focused workforce that leverages collective effort and delivers superior outcomes for the business.

Scott, Project Director

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