find a mentor, develop career, how to be a (good) mentor, professional growth, change your career, change your thinking, thrive at work, be your best self



/ Deborah Protter


All my work is tailored to your needs. You are what matters to me. It’s a personalised service, I listen, seek to understand your challenges, needs and aspirations and we work together in partnership so you can make an impact in your own life or in your organisation.

Mentoring is aspirational, it provides a confidential, independent space to explore issues, build skills, learn more about yourself and how to make decisions based on what is most important to you.

As a mentor I encourage, listen and support you to grow to reach your full potential, gain confidence to be the best version of yourself. I provide personal support, resources, teaching and a safe place to discuss issues that you cannot discuss elsewhere.



“I am a leader in my organisation now, I am more confident in stepping out and taking risks, I am more able than I thought I was.”

“I was exhausted and worn out and  now have a quality of life that was not comprehendible to me 18 months ago and am building my new work life.”

“Today, I am a woman who knows who she is and what is important to her, who makes her daily choices in life based on her values and never looks back”   


Our approach to mentoring is based on three key pillars:


develop your strengths

Strengths-based development is unique in that it starts from your talents and areas of greatest potential rather than dwelling on weaknesses. I believe what is most important is building on who you already are, not trying to become someone you’re not. 

When you know your strengths you are more optimistic, have a sense of direction, more confidence and vitality and are more productive.


Identify and livE your values

Your values are the basic principles of what is most important in your life. All your actions, behaviour and decisions are determined by your values.

When you know your values and live true to them you reduce your stress and anxiety, you have more energy and a greater sense of well-being, satisfaction and meaning in your life.

When you have identified your values you can then design your time and life so that you can fully live your values.


Connect to your purpose and vision

Connecting to purpose and vision gives our lives meaning and inspires us to do what we do. Meaning is belonging to and serving something that is bigger than yourself, something that calls to you. Vision is a compelling future enabling people to achieve extraordinary change and results.

Living your strengths, values and purpose are the keys to the work of The Values Partnership.



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Individual mentoring with The Values Partnership

You may be facing big decisions ahead in life. You might be feeling stressed and anxious. Or you could be facing conflicting priorities. Perhaps you need more energy and vitality. There may be important areas of your life where you feel stuck. You may have lost touch with what really matters to you. 

Through mentoring you will be more effective in the face of these and other challenges. You will create a new future for yourself as you develop your strengths and begin to live your values and purpose and you will make a greater impact in your life, organisation and community.

Outcomes people report from coaching & mentoring:

“I gained confidence and the tools to deal with difficult circumstances at work in a way that I otherwise would not have been equipped to do”

“I developed new capacities and possibilities both in professional and personal aspects of life”

“I now live somewhere where I have everything I am committed to and passionate about. Physically I have never looked better. I was never considered overweight but I have lost 7 kilos with no effort simply because I am living in harmony”



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Given the frantic pace of life it becomes more difficult to make time for ourselves, to pay attention to what our body’s might be trying to tell us. Our minds are going at such a speed that it’s difficult to find the space to be still and listen. 

I have designed our retreats around what I love and feel I need in my life. 

More connection with nature and wild places, travelling light, practicing silence and exercising wonder are some of the themes of our retreats.



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